# Copyright (C) 2002-2004 gregoire HUBERT.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# Author : gregoire HUBERT
# XML_node.objet
# This object is an XML node representation
# /- name (string)
# xml_node --- attributes (array)
# \- children (array) or value (string)
class xml_node {
var $name;
var $attributes = array();
var $children = array();
var $value = "";
function xml_node($name,$attributes,$children=array(),$value="") {
$this->name = $name;
if (is_array($attributes)) {
$this->attributes = $attributes;
$this->children = $children;
$this->value = $value;
# Copyright (C) 2003-2004 gregoire HUBERT.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# Author : gregoire HUBERT
# xml_tree class
# This object parses an XML stream and offers a tree composed by xml_nodes
class xml_tree {
var $xml_stream;
var $current_node;
var $root_node;
var $index;
var $value;
function xml_tree() {
$this->root_node = new xml_node("__ROOT_NODE",array());
$this->current_node = $this->root_node;
function add_tree($xml_stream) {
# Managing the parser
$this->xml_stream = $xml_stream;
$xml_parser = xml_parser_create();
if (!xml_parse_into_struct($xml_parser,$this->xml_stream,$this->value,$this->index)) {
die("XML Parse error");
# Now, $this->value and $this->index are informed, we can use the get_node methode.
$tab_result = $this->get_node(0,count($this->value) - 1);
$this->root_node->children[] = $tab_result[0];
$this->current_node = $this->root_node;
function get_node($index_start,$index_stop) {
#echo " \n";
#echo "GET-NODE($index_start,$index_stop) \n";
# What we are going to return is an array of xml_nodes
$return_tab = array();
# depth is only here to check if everything is all right
$tab_node = $this->value[$index_start];
$depth = $tab_node["level"]-1;
# Now we have to be sure we do not forget a single node
for ($index = $index_start;$index <= $index_stop;$index++) {
#echo "\$index = $index ";
# get the current node
$tab_node = $this->value[$index];
# what type of node is it ?
switch($tab_node["type"]) {
case "complete" :
# Depth integrity check
if ($tab_node["level"] != $depth+1) {
die("ERREUR # contrainte d'intégrité au noeud complet $index, niveau $depth + 1 au lieu de ".$tab_node["level"]);
#echo "Noeud complet trouvé position $index TAG ".$tab_node["tag"]." \n";
# Easy one, no children to manage, only a value...
$return_tab[] = new xml_node($tab_node["tag"],$tab_node["attributes"],"",$tab_node["value"]);
case "open" :
# Depth integrity check
if ($tab_node["level"] != $depth +1 ) {
die("ERREUR # contrainte d'intégrité au noeud ouvert $index, niveau $depth au lieu de ".$tab_node["level"]);
# Open tag, we re-use this methode to return its children
# Where is the correspondong close tag ?
$node_index = $this->index[$tab_node["tag"]];
$flipped_node_index = array_flip($node_index);
#echo "This ".$tab_node["tag"]." is at coords ".$flipped_node_index[$index]." ";
do {
$next_index = $node_index[$flipped_node_index[$index] + $i++];
while ($next_tag["level"]!=$tab_node["level"]);
#echo "Ouverture de noeud détectée pos $index TAG ".$tab_node["tag"]." \n Parcours jusqu au $next_index \n";
# good, we can now instanciate our node
$return_tab[] = new xml_node($tab_node["tag"],$tab_node["attributes"],$this->get_node($index+1,$next_index),"");
# As we called the get_node methode, we are sure that nodes have been parsed to the corresponding close tag
$index = $next_index;
case "close" :
# Depth integrity check
if ($tab_node["level"] != $depth ){
die("ERREUR # contrainte d'intégrité au noeud fermé $index, niveau $depth au lieu de ".$tab_node["level"]);
#echo "Fermeture de noeud detectée pos $index TAG ".$tab_node["tag"]."
# This ugly thing is useless because reaching a close tag means that $index==$index_stop but who knows ? =)
# it will be skipped soon
$index = $index_stop;
die("Erreur de type de TAG non déterminé :'".$tab_node["type"]."'");
# We are out ... returns the array with collected children...
return ($return_tab);
# this function browse the xml tree and set the current node to the selected node
function give_node($path) {
if ($path[0]=="/") {
#echo "ABSOLUTE PATH GIVEN=$path ";
else {
$current_node = $this->current_node;
#echo "PATH GIVEN=$path ";
$tab_path = split("/",$path);
foreach ($tab_path as $node_expr) {
#echo "STUDYING EXPR='$node_expr' ";
$node = $current_node;
$expr_tab = split("\?",$node_expr);
$node_name = $expr_tab[0];
$attr_tab = 0;
if (count($expr_tab)>1) {
foreach($attr_expr_tab as $attr_expr) {
foreach ($node->children as $children) {
#echo "COMPARING WITH '$children->name' ";
if ($children->name == $node_name) {
##echo "TROUVE NOEUD CORRESPONDANT $node_name ";
if (is_array($attr_tab)) {
$node_attributes = $children->attributes;
foreach ($attr_tab as $key=>$value) {
if ($node_attributes[$key] == $value) {
#echo "ATTRIBUTE & CHANGE CURRENT NODE TO ".$children->name." ";
$current_node = $children;
$last = 1;
else {
##echo "CHILD=".$children->name." ";
#echo "CHANGE CURRENT NODE TO ".$children->name." ";
$current_node = $children;
if ($last) {
if (!$last) {
#echo "PATH ERROR $node_name ";
#die("MMmmmh It seems that this file is not a DIA XML format...sorry...");
return 0;
return $current_node;
function browse_tree($path) {
$node = $this->give_node($path);
if (is_object($node)) {
$this->current_node = $node;
return 1;
return 0;
# this method dumps an html representation of the xml tree
function xml_show($node = "",$level=0,$last=0) {
if ($node=="") {
if (!is_object($node)) {
die("ERROR : node is not an object");
for($i=1;$i<=$level;$i++) {
if ((i==$level-1) and ($last)) {
$line.=" ";
else {
$line.=" |";
if ($i==$level) {
#echo $line;
if (count($node->children)==1) {
$line.=" (".$node->value.") \n";
echo "$line";
else {
$line.=" \n";
echo "$line";
foreach($node->children as $children) {
if ($i==count($node->children)) {
else {
HOLLYWOOD ROCKS (usa) - V/A (2005)
Label : Deadline Records
Sortie du Scud : 21 juin 2005
Pays : USA
Genre : Hard Rock
Type : Album
Playtime : 4 CD : 78 titres
Le label Deadline Records a regroupé un paquet de bonnes chansons des groupes cultes des 80’s sur une compil’. Ce n’est pas nouveau, non, mais ici, certaines des chansons en question sont présentées en version démo ou bootleg. Alors c’est l’un où l’autre : soit on est fan de cette période et l’on peut trouver amusant d’entendre comment sonnait WARRANT ou RATT avant de passer en studio, soit on pleure devant la qualité du son (à chier !).
Inutile de dire qu’il s’agit là d’une bonne vieille combine pour se faire du fric sur notre dos, on commence à avoir l’habitude.
La version de “Sleepless Nite” par XCITER (le premier groupe de George Lynch) ne manque pas d’intérêt. Sinon, pour ceux qui ne connaîtraient toujours pas “Fuck Like A Beast” de WASP, c’est le moment. Par ailleurs, on peut s’étonner du choix de certains titres : on aurait préféré un morceau plus musclé de STRYPER à la place de la pleurnicharde “Honestly”, de LOVE/HATE on aurait aimé “Blackout In The Red Room”. Et on regrette de ne pas avoir de version démo pour BANG TANGO avec son “Someone Like You”, remarquable mais pas nouveau.
En définitive, on constate que les groupes dont la postérité n’a pas retenu le nom avaient de bonnes raisons d’être oubliés (ils sont, hélas, majoritaires sur cette compil’) ! Pour les autres, il est infiniment préférable de se procurer leurs albums (si ce n’est pas déjà fait depuis longtemps !). On remarquera aussi que, à partir du 3ème CD, les célébrités commencent à se faire rares.
Par ailleurs, cette compil’ dispensable a la prétention d’être un document historique unique, pourtant elle laisse la place à des groupes totalement inintéressants au détriment de quelques monstres sacrés. Car on ne m’enlèvera pas de la tête que n’importe quel fan de cette période bénie aurait fait un choix très différent pour remplir ces 4 CD. On a même froid dans le dos en pensant que des djeunz peuvent tomber sur ce disque et penser que les groupes des 80’s sonnaient aussi mal !
CD 1 (1980-1985) 1. Hollywood Rose - Killing Time 2. Hellion - Run For Your Life 3. Mickey Ratt - Dr. Rock 4. Plain Jane - Time Warp 5. Candy - Whatever Happened To Fun 6. Steeler - Cold Day In Hell 7. Dokken - It's Not Love 8. W.A.S.P. - Fuck Like A Beast 9. Black N' Blue - Hold On To 18 10. The Joneses - Looks So Good 11. The Zeros - Kokomo Joe 12. Quiet Riot - Let's Get Crazy 13. Armored Saint - No Reason To Live 14. Stephen Pearcy's RATT - In Your Direction 15. Bitch - Be My Slave 16. Kery Doll - Too Good For Heaven 17. Warrant - Last Action Hero 18. Sin - Break Down The Walls (Stop The Rock) 19. Xciter - Sleepless Nights
CD 2 (1985-1988) 1. Poison - Look What The Cat Dragged In 2. Lizzy Borden - American Metal 3. L.A. Guns (with Paul Black) - Roll The Dice 4. Stryper - To hell with the devil 5. Great White - Down On Your Knees 06. Demolition Galore - Bulimia Babe 7. Harlow - Rock The Box 8. Slut - Dr. Monster 9. L.A. Guns (with Phil Lewis) - Electric Gypsy 10. Decry - Dead End Zone 11. Nitro - Bitch On My Black 12. Faster Pussycat - Babylon 13. Rough Cutt - Hold On 14. Tuff - Sinner Street 15. Odin - 12 O'clock High 16. Salty Dog - Strong Medication 17. Sound Barrier - Gladiator 18. WWIII - Love You To Death 19. Rock City Angels - Hush Child 20. The Sea Hags - Doghouse
CD 3 (1988-1989) 1. Keel - The Right To Rock (live) 2. Jailhouse - The Innocent 3. London - Rainbow Bar & Girls 4. Cherry Street - Hellraiser 5. Junkyard - Hollywood 6. China - Love In Cold Blood 7. Bang Tango - Someone Like You 8. Black Cherry - Fading Away 9. King Kobra - Mean Street Machine 10. Motorcycle Boy - Cats Paw 11. Tommi Gunn - Rip, Rattle And Roll 12. Stars From Mars - We Got Tonight 13. Cats In Boots - Her Monkey 14. Lions & Ghosts - Meteor Boy 15. Angora - Give Me A Line 16. Virgin - I'm No Angel 17. The Hangmen - Desperation Town 18. XYZ - Inside Out 19. Kills For Thrills - Commercial Suicide 20. D'Molls - Action
CD 4 (1990-1992) 1. Electric Angels - Def Generation 2. Burning Tree - Planned Disaster 3. Jetboy - Feel The Shake 4. Big Bang Babies - 8 Arms 5. Lypswitch - Sexx On The Sun 6. Syanide Kick - Hollywood Angel 7. Darling Cruel - Changed 8. Saigon Saloon - Days Gone By 9. Rebel Rebel - Tonight's Your Night To R&R 10. Spiders & Snakes - California Slide 11. Hardly Dangerous - Take Me To The Mountain 12. Skull - I Like My Music Loud 13. Yesterday's Tear - Cold 14. Pretty Boy Floyd - Shut Up! 15. Blackboard Jungle - Chicago 16. Love/Hate - Wish It Was Summer 17. Mondo Kane - High On A Dream 18. Fizzy Bangers - Hai Karate 19. Alleycat Scratch - Take A Bite Outta Me
Ajouté : Mardi 14 Juin 2005 Chroniqueur : Alexis de Fireball Score : Hits: 14159