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M-I Membre

Inscrit le: 20 Jan 2014
Messages: 1

MessagePosté le: Lun Jan 20, 2014 3:01 pm    Sujet du message: CDs et t shirts à vendre Répondre en citant

Voilà une liste de cd dont je me sépare, je suis sur paris mais je peux faire des envois.
Contact : MP ou mail : dayspring31 (at) hotmail (point) com

Across tundras – dark songs of the prairie : 5
Agoraphobic nosebleed/converge split : 5
ancestors – Neptune with fire :8
ancestors - of sound mind : 5
Ascension Of The Watchers ‎– Numinosum : 5
At the drive in – in casino out : 5
At the drive in – this station is non operational : 5
Atavist/nadja – 12012291920 / 1414101 : 5
Ava inferi – the silhouette : 5
Avril – that horse must be starving : 5
Bio hazard – mata leao : 5
Black cobra : chronomega -:5
Centurions ghost – the great work : 5
Cephalic carnage – exploiting dysfunction : 5
Cheval de frise - s/t : 5
Comity ‎– As Everything Is A Tragedy : 4
Comity – you left us here -: 5
Corrosion of conformity – in the arms of god : 5
Dark throne – FOAD : 5
Dark throne - soulside journey 1er ed : 12
Dark tranquility – damage done : 5
Dead can dance (tribute) – the lotus eaters – 3
Deadbird – the head and the heart : 5
Devin townsend – ocean machine : 5
Devin townsend – physicist : 5
Devin townsend – terria : 5
Dimmu borgir – in sorte diaboli : 5
Dirge – blight and vision below a faded sun : 8
Dodheimsgard – supervilain outcast : 5
Earth ‎– The Bees Made Honey In The Lion's Skull : 5
Envy – a dead sinking story : 5
eyehategod (tribute) – for the sick : 5
Fistula ‎– Burdened By Your Existence : 7
Fixmer/McCarthy : into the night : 5
Frantic bleep – the sense apparatus : 3
Front 242 – pulse : 3
Gentleman’s pistols – s/t : 5
Gescom – minidisk : 5
Ginnungagap ‎– 1000% Downer : 12
Gojira – the link : 8
Grey daturas – path of niners : 3
Gronibard – s/t : 5
Heirs – alchera : 5
Indian – slights and abuse/the sycophant : 5
Iron maiden : the number of the beast : 2
Isis + aereogramme – in the fishtank : 5
John lord fonda – debaser : 5
Kadenzza – the second renaissance : 7
Karysun – until the end : 5
Ken mode – Mennonite : 7
Killing joke – what’s this for :5
Kmfdm – attak : 5
Kmfdm - WWIII : 5
Landscape – one – 3
Leng tche - marasmus : 5
Lords of bukkake – s/t : 5
Manes – view : 5
Meshuggah – detroy erase improve : 5
Mf doom - operation doomsday : 8
Mf doom presents : specials herbs vol.1 &2 : 5
Moonspell – sin pecado : 5
Motorpsycho – heavy metal fruit : 5
My bloody valentine : isn’t anything : 5
Nesseria – s/t : 5
Nihill – krach : 5
No rest for the dead – the end of space : 3
Noise surgery – solid fuel : 3
Nurse with wounds – automating vol. 2 : 7
One day as a lion – s/t :3
One second riot – s/t : 4
Opeth – watershed :5
Orphaned land – sahara 1er ed : 10
Pain of salvation – 12,5 : 6
Pain of salvation – be : 5
Pain of salvation – entropia : 5
Pain of salvation – remedy lane : 5
Pantheist - the pains of sleep : 5
porcupine tree - voyage 34 : 5
porcupine tree - the sky moves sideways 1er ed : 12
Porcupine Tree ‎– Up The Downstair/straircase infinites 2cd : 8
Puscifer : V is for vagina (the remixes) : 12
Pyramids – s/t : 5
Rawradarwar/deer creek (split) – 7
Sahg – II :5
Samael – eternal (digipack) :5
Samael : reign of light : 5
shape of despair - illusion's play : 5
silver mt zion - this is our punk rock : 5
silver mt zion - 13 blues for 13 moons : 6
Sixteen horsepower – low estate : 5
Soilent green – a deleted symphony for beaten down : 5
Sonic youth – evol : 5
Sonic youth – nurse : 5
Strapping young lad – alien (cd + minidvd) : 5
sunn o))) - white2 : 6
Supermachiner – rise of the great machine : 4
The Austerity Program - Black Madonna : 5
The devin townsend band - accelerated evolution : 5
The old dead tree – the blossom : 30
The old dead tree – the nameless disease : 7
the postman syndrome – terraforming : 5
The smiths – the queen is dead : 3
Time to burn – island : 5
Triclops! – out of Africa : 5
Undercover Slut ‎– Communism Is Fascism : 5
Undercover slut : Amerikkka Macht Frei : 3
v/a, welcome back to meteor city : 3
Viktor Vaughn (mf doom) – vaudeville villain - 7
Xasthur - : nocturnal poisoning : 5
Yakuza – samsara -: 4
Yog – years of nowhere : 4
Zimmershole – legion of flames : 5

lingerie :

neurosis - given to the rising taille L : 5 euros

sunn o))) - domkirke taille xl pour fillette : 5 euros

sunn o))) - monolith and dimensions tour xl pour fillette : 5 euros

bloody phoenix - death to every one taille xl : 5 euros

black sabbath - master of reality taille M mais plutot un grand L : 5 euros

ramesses - misanthropic alchemy xl : 5 euros

pelican - city of echoes taille L : 5 euros
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